Real Estate and Home Decor
in 1:12 Scale
Located Inside:
Morgantown Market
2940 Main St
Morgantown Pa 19543
Open Daily 10-5
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.- Leo Tolstoy
Miniatures by their nature take a great deal of patience and time. I wish I could create minis all day, alas I must work. Now, I am owner of an antique/ home decor store in Morgantown, PA and I do love my job. With everything going on my time is limited, I attempt to plan my days off so I can create. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. This is where the patience comes in. I am an impatient soul and a wise woman once told me, "God does not give us patience he puts us in circumstances where we have to learn it." Truer words have never been spoken. It took me the best part of a year to complete my project for Is it what I envisioned? Sort of. Is it perfect? Nope. Was it frustrating? Absolutely . Did I learn anything? For Sure! Life is short, do what brings you JOY and somewhere in there you'll discover time well spent and patience in all things...Big and Small.

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